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Course Descriptions
Level One (Diploma) - Basic Christianity-1
1. Discipleship
2. Basic Doctrine -1
3. Victorious Christianity
4. Old and New Testament Survey
5. Evangelism
Level Four (Masters)- Basic Leadership Training
1. Walking in Present Truth
2. Acts of the Apostles
3. The Life of Moses
4. Leadership
5. Vision and Values
6. Biblical Counseling
7. Old and New Testament Survey
Level Two (Associate)- Basic Christianity-2
1. Prayer & Personal Bible Study
2. Basic Doctrine -2
3. Life Management- 1
4. Life management -2
5. Life Management -3
6. Old and New Testament Survey
Level Five (Doctorate)- Church Leadership
1. Pastoral Ministry
2. Interpreting the Scriptures
3. Homiletics (Preaching)
4. Evaluating Current Trends
5. Church Planting
6. Speech Communication
7. Old and New Testament Survey
Level Three (Bachelor)- Advance Discipleship
1. Life of Christ/Gospel
2. Genesis
3. Local Church
4. Holy Spirit
5. Ministering to Personal Needs
6. Social Roles/Relationships
7. Old and New Testament Survey
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